As part of organising accessible productions, ATLAS E.P. takes charge of the accessibility identity of one of the best -according to many- up-and-coming bands of Greece.

Lamda were formed in November 2010. Having eclectic musical backgrounds, they focus on deliberately not combining them, but seeking a point where all these music genres will simply co-exist.
This effort has resulted in the first three albums of Lamda which bring out different emotions to each listener, by touching upon aspects of the self and the life of each one of them, through their lyrics as well as through the unique melodies that the five band members come up with in the studio.
After many years of talking about this project, since October 2022 Lamda have begun the conversion of their audiovisual material in a form that is accessible to people with limited access to audiovisual content.

Text description of the cover: A photograph dating to 1974 from Kalyvos in Mylopotamos, Rethymno. Three men, brothers, with serious looks on their faces, short hair and mustaches, cloth trousers, short-sleeved shirts and leather shoes, some time after the slaughter of an animal in an outdoor space. Two of them in the centre of the photograph are holding the big animal upside down, the one on the left is holding it from the legs and the one on the right from the skin that has turned upside down up to the shoulders of the animal. The man on the left is looking at the animal with a cigarette in his right hand, while the man on the right is looking at the camera. Between his lips, he is holding the blade of a cretan knife. Right next to him, to the right of the photograph, the third brother, only half of whom is visible, is holding the animal’s head by its horn in his right arm. The eyes of the white animal are open. The gaze of the third man is lowered. The concrete underneath the beheaded animal has been painted dark due to the blood. Discolored photograph in shades of blue and white. At the centre, the title of the album.
This endeavour is guided and designed by ATLAS E.P., starting with the printing of the titles of the album ΤΡИА in Braille code on every available case of the vinyls.

Furthermore, the album notes include a QR code which leads to the accessibility page of Lamda’s website.
As the older and the new material of Lamda will gradually become accessible, the Accessibility page of the band, which gradually becomes accessible by the company, will be updated with the renewed material and any relevant news.
You can purchase the new album from Veego Records.
It is the limited vinyl edition of the album ΤΡИА, which was released on October 2021. There are 333 copies with two different covers. 222 of them as silkscreen prints with blue ink on luxury paper and 111 of them as silkscreen prints in a metallic bronze color.
On the back cover, embossing without ink on the song titles in Braille code for people with vision impairment. The album notes include a QR code that leads to the accessibility page of Lamda’s website.
Listen to Lamda here: